Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday musings...

It has been a few days since I posted any thoughts. Not to say I have been thoughtless, just nothing major or terribly exciting has happened.

My sister-in-law's husband had an operation this last week. We spoke to him on the phone later in the day, and his spirits were good. He had a problem with a herniated disk in his spine. I'm glad he has had this fixed, as I know it was bothering him. He is an avid, and very good, golfer and getting this out of the way should make for a good golfing summer for him. When the wife & I travel to Milwaukee later this year, I hope we get to play. He knows a lot of good courses.
Speaking of golf, I played yesterday at the local club, where we are members. It was a bit cool, and it was seniors day, as it is every Friday. But I didn't go until just after noon, and played alone. I managed to get around the course in just under 3 hours, and shot a respectable (for me at least) 94.

Earlier in the week, I received some not so pleasant news about a friend and fellow work mate of mine who was diagnosed with a Stage 4 cancer. He too, had recently retired, and is of a similar age to me. The news was initially pretty bleak, but the prognosis is now not as hopeless. There are some experimental treatments out there that may offer some help. I am keeping him and his family in my thoughts and prayers.

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