Thursday, January 3, 2008

A cold morning in TN

It dropped to less than 10 degrees Fahrenheit last night. The heat pump worked hard to keep the house warm, and kicked in the secondary heat several times. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this, a heat pump is simply a reverse cycle air conditioner. In the summer, it cools the air in the house by "pumping" heat outside, and in the winter it pumps heat from outside into the house. As it gets colder, it gets harder to pump heat, so the secondary kicks in. That is a series of heat strips in the plenum that produce heat while air is blowing across them. Just like having a toaster oven with a fan blowing across it as your house heat source. And of course this morning, everyone's power consumption was up, so the power failed a couple times. Fortunately, it seems to be fine now.

Here's a picture of our water fountain, taken at just before noon. Lots of ice formed last evening and this morning, but it is still running.


Burt Likko said...

The picture makes it look like the water spout froze instantly.

Are you going to stop the fountain and drain it for the really cold months of January and February?

Arnie said...

I hadn't considered draining it, but I suppose that would be prudent. It will be unplugged for the next few weeks at least.