Monday, November 9, 2009

What's been happening...

Since my last post, we have stayed pretty busy. My mother-in-law came to spend a week with us from Milwaukee along with her sister and niece from Italy. We had a great time showing them around the Houston area, and even took an overnight to San Antonio. The Italians were actually familiar with the Alamo, and Davy Crockett, probably from earl '60's TV.

Shortly after they went back to Milwaukee, I had a business trip to Orlando, for the NBAA convention. (National Business Aviation Ass'n) And within a few days of that, I had a week long trip to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. It was my first visit to Malaysia, and I was very pleasantly surprised with how cosmopolitan the city was. The Petronas Towers at night are very dramatic, rivaling the spectacle of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I had been to Singapore before, but it too is a very cosmopolitan city. Lots of shopping, traffic, and many peoples from all over the world living and working together in apparent harmony. I am not saying it is perfect, but rather, that people can actually get along with each other, enjoy each other, in close quarters.

Since then, it has been back to the ordinary grind of daily work, highlighted by the fact that our house in TN looks like it has been leased by someone for year. Not as great as selling it, but after a year on the market, we are happy with this.

Today I had to change one of the rules for posting, because some jerk decided it was a good place to post Viagra ads. I edited it out, but now you will have to sign in to comment. Sorry.

1 comment:

Burt Likko said...

Awww! Your first spamvertisement! Your blog is growing up; it must mean you're getting some hits.