Thursday, November 15, 2007

November thoughts

The weather has started to get cooler, and we had a good rain storm blow through last evening. The trees have turned some lovely fall colors, and contrary to what we feared, the leaves are staying on for a bit for everyone to enjoy. To be sure there are a bunch to rake up and put on the mulch pile, but its a nice time of year.

A few days ago, I went to the marina to get the boat cleaned up. The hull was a bit gunky with algae build-up, so I pressure cleaned it, and now the boat is in in-out storage instead of being in the water full time. I took the Bimini top and canvas cover home to clean up, as they were both a bit mildewed. A 50/50 solution of bleach water cleaned everything right up. I rinsed them good and allowed them to dry, and they look almost new again. The only piece of canvas I'm a bit unhappy about is the boot or cover for the Bimini top. The zipper will not release, so I have to unbolt the aluminum frame to remove the cover from the top. Later this winter, I'll replace the zipper. I do plan to boat on nice days during this cooler season, and in-out storage makes that as easy as a phone call. So far, the TVA has not announced plans to lower the lake to "normal" winter levels.

I find myself a bit dismayed at the "front runners" for the presidency, and more and more attracted to the fringe candidates like Ron Paul. I believe our country is pursuing a futile foreign policy in the Mideast and throughout the world. We are trying to press our own vision of what the world should look like, instead of allowing other countries to determine their own destinies. To be sure, we are doing this because we believe we are right, God is on our side, and truth justice and the American Way will prevail. Can I get an "Amen"?

There is a divide in Iraq that existed for centuries between the Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds. Our policy is to force them into a secular and united Iraq. Unfortunately, this condition can exist only under the leadership of a totalitarian regime, like it was under Saddam Hussein, or like Yugoslavia was under Tito. Each of these sects wants self-determination. And they will seek it the moment they are able. Unfortunately for the Kurds, though, the Turks seem to be set on committing yet another act of genocide buy wiping them out, like they tried to do to the Armenians. And unfortunately for the Shiites in Iraq, the Sunni majority in Iran will take that same route when they can, to insure that Iraq becomes a Sunni-led theocracy. The only way we can prevent this is by maintaining a huge military presence in-country. Thus the current war policy has a hugely flawed exit strategy.

The American public is losing its stomach for staying in Iraq. But history says it will be a long time before we politically force our government to leave Iraq. Only after we lose somewhere around 50,000 GIs, do we as a nation finally say "Enough." Korea and Viet Nam finally ended after that number was reached. I am terribly dismayed to contemplate our unnecessary loss of yet another 46,000+ American lives in a foreign country that will fall into a civil war the moment we pull out. The only way I can see a victory is for us to escalate this whole thing into a regional conflict involving Iran, Syria, and possibly Saudi Arabia and Israel. That will, without a doubt, draw Russia into the mix as well. All in all, a very undesirable solution with results that still could end up in the establishment of theocratic governments afterwards. We have no business in the Mideast with the possible exception of trying to keep Israel intact. We are pursuing a foreign policy based on ignorance of how the Mideast thinks and wants to be.

One more thought on our over-deployed military. Do you realize that we are militarily deployed in 170 different foreign locations? Why are we doing this? Why are we still in Germany and Japan? I am not criticizing our troops. They are following orders, doing their duty, and I have the highest respect for their patriotism, courage, and sense of duty. I am trying to understand why we think we are responsible to run the planet and dictate what happens or not.

I want a president who will show some respect for the other people who live on this planet and relinquish to them the responsibility to govern and take care of themselves. I want our president to defend us, not to take offensive measures against other countries.


Orange Phantom said...

you make some good points. I don't understand why we're still there either. The only rationalization I can come up with is that we're trying to change their thinking and that capitalism is the way they should be. And that's a mistake. Maybe we should consider an abrupt pull out (whatever the political ramifications should be). Teh country will go into civil war either way. And either way, we get a black eye for trying to help. A bigger question is "why do we always have to help?" Maybe we should've gone in, kicked out Saddamm (which needed to be done) and got out. THis with the proomise that if they screw up again we'll be back with a vengance. Or maybe we went it because of some unknown (to us) political happenings). I still don't completely trust our gov't to tell us all. But we're screwed no matter what we do or don't do.

Becky said...

"I want a president who will show some respect for the other people who live on this planet and relinquish to them the responsibility to govern and take care of themselves. I want our president to defend us, not to take offensive measures against other countries." Right on, couldn't agree more.

Burt Likko said...

I'm reading a book now about how we got into the mess in Iraq. Bush and Rumsfeld and Cheney seem to have believed that the Iraqis would first line the path for our mechanized infantry carriers with rose petals in gratitude for our having invaded their country; they also seem to have believed that a minimal amount of manpower would be needed because the Iraqis would not only want our style of capitalistic democracy (they probably do) but that they would be able to create it for themselves (which they have amply proven they cannot do, thanks to the ethnic and religious schisms you wrote about). The lack of planning, the bureaucratic infighting, and the refusal to even acknowledge that anything other than a best-case scenario might result from an invasion is absolutely shameful. Never mind that the intelligence on WMD's was actively edited and filtered to reach a pre-determined result which the facts simply did not support.

While a strong defense policy is very important, I'm no longer so sure of my earlier enthusiasm for one of the major candidates. But I'm sticking by my earlier remark that Hillary Clinton would have to do something really atrocious to lose.